'Isla and the Happily Ever After' by Stephanie Perkins
This is the final book in the "Anna and the French Kiss series." Technically, it is not a trilogy or a series as each novel has its own happily ever after ending.
What I love about Stephanie Perkins writing is that she makes each character so easy to fall in love with. I love the language she uses in her writing and of course the romance.
Anna and the French Kiss is still by far my favorite of the three and I love that I get to read more about Anna and Etienne in each novel as they are side character.
Isla is an average American girl who's home is in Manhattan New York, but studying at the American boarding school in Paris. She's been in love with Josh since freshman year and this is her senior year.
Of course every relationship cannot just start and end happily ever after...
Be prepared to read about how Josh and Isla battle challenges and long distance relationship that try to break them apart.
I volunteer Josh if you ever need a model for your drawings ;)

Let me know in the comments if you've read this book before and what did you think of the ending?
Also, I have a goodreads account if you want to see what else I'm currently or have read before!